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Fire Drill

  • Date: Friday, Jan 19, 2018
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A mock fire and evacuation drill involving students and fire fighters was conducted at St John International School on 19th of January, 2019 to create awareness among the student community of firefighting techniques and the ways to respond swiftly in times of such emergency situation.

Mr. Bilal Khan and his team from the Fire Protection Company of Maharashtra, organized this mock drill for our students. They explained and demonstrated various improvised methods being followed by them to rescue and evacuate people caught in such emergency situation besides explaining the ways to operate the fire extinguishers safely. According to Mr. Bilal Khan knowing how to act in the event of a fire is an important skill for everybody to have, as the action of one person is likely to impact many others around. He said that this training and drill is done to make sure that everyone knows what to do in an emergency. It is not only a smart choice but also the law. Mr. Bilal Khan further explained that it was important to know the different types of fire before we learn the techniques of extinguishing it.

The types of fire were classified as – Class A- This type of fire is an ordinary combustible fire on wood, paper, cloth, rubber and many plastics. Class B- These are fires in inflammable liquids such as gasoline, petroleum greases, tars , oils, oil-based paints, solvents, alcohols These also include flammable gases such as propane and butane. Class C- These are fires involving energized electrical equipment such as computers, servers, motors, transformers and appliances. This type of fire is more likely in the schools. Class D- This type of fire occurs in combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, potassium etc. Class K type of fire catches in cooking oils and greases such as animal and vegetable fats.

Talking on the steps to be taken during an emergency evacuation, the following points were noted- 1) On hearing the evacuation alarm , immediately prepare to leave the building 2) All the doors must be closed( but not locked) on leaving 3) Take some important belongings only while leaving. 4) Assist any other student who is disabled if any. Do not carry your friend. 5) Walk quickly and calmly to the designated assembly area away from the building. 6) Do not use the lift.

In addition the students, teaching and non- teaching staff were also trained on how to use the fire extinguishers that are in the school. He specified on certain dos and don’ts to be followed in the use of a fire hydrant system. The dos were- 1) Know your building’s evacuation plan 2) Evacuate calmly and quickly whenever a fire alarm or carbon monoxide alarm sounds. 3) Keep the important medical equipment handy. 4) Know two ways out of the building 5) Feel the door before opening it. If hot avoid opening it. 6) If there is smoke lie low to the floor 7) Learn to use the extinguisher.

The Don’ts in the use of hydrant system were- 1) Leave candles, or other open flames unattended especially in a lab. 2) Tamper with smoke detectors, fire alarms or springier systems 3) Prop fir or smoke doors open 4) Use elevators or lift during an evacuation. In continuation with the exercise to create awareness among students on the disaster management a mock drill was also conducted. The students were escorted by their teachers to the playground after the alarm sounded. Once all had assembled in the ground they were advised not to panic in case of any disaster.

They were instructed to be with the teacher in case of an emergency and follow the instructions given to them. Keeping all the safety measure the entire school was evacuated within a span of 5 minutes.