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Celebration of Reading Week from 9th to 15th September 2019

  • Location: St. John International School
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Celebration of Reading Week from 9th to 15th September 2019


“Reading train your imagination to think big.”

As suggested by CBSE, St John International School celebrated reading week from 9th to 15th September to promote a culture of reading among the young minds. Creative reading activities as prescribes by the CBSE were formulated as per the age and interest. The students along with the teachers actively participated and made it a grand success.

Students also donated books to the School Library as a part of ‘Donation Drive’.

The activities were conducted by the Class teachers and language teachers which were assessed as Subject enrichment activities and students were awarded marks out of 5.

The various activities formulated were:

I-ABC Integrating Reading and Fine Arts: Reading stories/poem/book etc and drawing pictures, posters etc on the basis of the poem/story/book read.

Creating Reading Games/puzzles/riddles

II-ABC Making Book -Buddies: Pairing students together  and asking them to choose and read a book and then present the findings before the class.

Swachhata Reading: Read up on all aspects related to cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation and present in class.

III-ABC Integrating Reading and Fine Arts: Reading stories/poem/book etc and drawing pictures, posters etc on the basis of the poem/story/book read.

Getting into character: Reading stories/poem/book etc and enacting , recreating timelines of events, characters etc on the basis of poem/stories/book read.

IV-ABC Read- a-Thon: Have a Read-a-Thon/Fastest reader of class/school.

Integrating Reading and Fine Arts: Reading stories/poem/book etc and drawing pictures, posters etc on the basis of the poem/story/book read.

V-AB Book Review:Reviews of the book of any genre chosen by a student.

Read- a-Thon: Have a Read-a-Thon/Fastest reader of class/school.

VI-AB Community Reading Circle

Gandhiji Fan Club: Read about life and works of Mahatma Gandhi and discuss relevance of the values expressed by him today /now.

VII-AB Creating story Maps

Making Comics Strips

VIII Re-inventing/ re-interpreting a book


IX Readebate competition: Debating and defending the actions of characters of the read book. Re-inventing a book
X Audio Reader – Making audio Books and making reading activity Calendar


All the activities brought an a conducive reading environment in the school and ultimately resulted in instilling reading values among the students and teachers.