June 30, 2024
Phone number: +91 2525 297 072
Field Trip to cowshed

Field Trip to cowshed  Date: 15/04/2023  Venue: Campus cowshed and vegetable garden  A field trip to the cowshed and vegetable garden at Aldel Educational and Technical campus was organise...

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Visit to a Bakery

Report on visit to a Bakery Date: 18.11.19 “Bakers make the world smell better’. To make this quote more meaningful students of Grade IV visited a bakery as a part of field trip on 18 November 2019. Students were very excited to see the happenings of such a delicious place. They were provided with the information and were shown all the ut...

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Field Trip to Pharmacy Lab

Report on Field Trip to Pharmacy Lab Place: Pharmacy Lab, St. John Pharmacy College Date: 16th November, 2019 Day: Saturday “Field Trips are an opportunity for you to enter into the world of mystical power” Frederick Lenz A field visit to the St John Pharmacy Lab was organised for Grade IX and X on Saturday 16th November. The learn...

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Field Trip to Surya Dam

Field Trip to Surya Dam “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller A field trip to Dam was arranged with an aim to make learning experience more powerful and impactful. It maximises the learning required for thoughtful work done before and after the trip. Student of Grade VI visited Maswa...

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